Concordion Logo in Green

(.NET edition)

Presented by @nigel_charman
Project Lead @concordion

Using this slide deck

Press the space bar to navigate sequentially, or the left/right/up/down buttons to jump to specific sections.

Press alt and click to zoom in/out of an element.

Concordion.NET is a test runner
for executable specifications
that creates beautiful living documentation

Open Source Logo
Apache 2.0 License
Contributors Contributors Contributors

How it works

how it works image


how it works image


describe in plain language the business requirements and show examples of desired behaviour

Collaborative specification

BDD collaboration

Image courtesy


Are written in HTML

(by anyone on the team, typically by a BA or tester)

Example specification


Splitting Names

To help personalise our mailshots we want to have the first name and last name of the customer. Unfortunately the customer data that we are supplied only contains full names.

The system therefore attempts to break a supplied full name into its constituents by splitting around whitespace.


The full name Jane Smith will be broken into first name Jane and last name Smith.

</body> </html>


how it works image


In order to make the specification executable, it must be instrumented with commands.

Commands are added as HTML attributes

Set <span concordion:set="#name">Jane Smith</span>
Execute <span concordion:execute="#result = split(#name)">
Assert Equals <span concordion:assert-equals="#result.firstName">Jane</span>

Example instrumentation

        <html xmlns:concordion="">
        <link href="../concordion.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />



        <p>The full name Jane Smith
           will be broken
           into first name Jane
           and last name Smith.

</body> </html>

when previewed...

the instrumentation is hidden

preview showing instrumented concordion commands are hidden


how it works image


Runs as a NUnit test

(typically written by a tester or developer)


using Concordion.NET.Integration;

namespace Marketing.Mailshot.Complete
    public class SplittingNamesFixture
        public Result Split(string fullName)
            Result result = new Result();
            string[] words = fullName.Split(' ');
            result.firstName = words[0];
            result.lastName = words[1];
            return result;

    public class Result
        public string firstName;
        public string lastName;


Example output

System under Test

how it works image

System under Test

Executes .NET code directly,

or other interfaces via "driver" classes

What are we testing?

Contributors Contributors
              Intention                                        Implementation

Other commands

Run another spec


Execute on a table

Full Name First Name Last Name
John Smith John Smith
David Peterson David Peterson

Verify Rows

Matching Usernames


Configuring Concordion.NET


Concordion Tutorial


Concordion Library

Cloned from


"I found it a little hard to start at first"

"everything is really cool, it feels like magic"

"it does what it says"

"write your specs, write your code, feel free to continue by adding more specs and by improving the code"

Concordion.NET implementations

Native implementation

2009 - Concordion ported to C# by Jeffrey Cameron (which inspired him to write Pickles)

2014 - Picked up by Jacek Ratzinger

  • NUnit integration
  • NuGet package
  • Resharper support
  • Extensions API

IKVM implementation

2015 - Decision to cross-compile Concordion (Java) code to C# using IKVM

  • Reduced effort to get Java improvements to .NET
  • Improved compatibility with Java implementation
  • Same approach as SpecFlow was using
  • Improved performance!
  • Feb 2017 - IKVM no longer supported :(
  • more on this later..

Concordion 2.0 (Java)


screenshot showing increase in download count


Markdown is a simple, natural format for creating rich text:

        ## This is a H2

        This is a paragraph

        * This is a
        * bullet point list

        This is an [example](example.html "Title") link

        | Table | Heading |
        | ----- | ------- |
        | Table | Row 1   |
        | Table | Row 2   |

Markdown Editors

Markdown can be created/edited with all sorts of tools:

  • Github, Bitbucket, etc
  • Mindmapping tools - eg. MindMup
  • IDEs - eg. Eclipse, IDEA
  • Editors - eg. Notepad++, Sublime

Example specification

    # Splitting names

To help personalise our mailshots we want to have the first name and
last name of the customer. Unfortunately the customer data that we are
supplied only contains full names.

The system therefore attempts to break a supplied full name into its
constituents by splitting around whitespace.

### Basic Example

The full name [Jane Smith](- "#name")
is [broken](- "#result = split(#name)")
into first name [Jane](- "?=#result.firstName")
and last name [Smith](- "?=#result.lastName").

when previewed...

preview showing concordion commands when you hover over markdown links

IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

animated gif showing intellij plugin support


storyboard image screenshot image logging tooltip image log viewer image

Excel, Parallel Runner,
Storyboard, Screenshot,
Logging Tooltip, Log Viewer
and more...


Concordion SpecFlow
Grammar Plain English Gherkinglish
Input Format HTML, MD, Excel Text
Publishes doc with tests Completely flexible Limited
Screenshots, logs etc in output Extensible Limited
Instrumentation In specification Regexp in code
Extensions (Parallel, Excel) Free, open-source SpecFlow+ (paid)
Languages Java, Groovy, C# * 13+ languages

* C# only supports HTML input currently. Parallel and Excel only currently available for Java.

The future - Concordion.NET 2.0

Reducing the friction of using Concordion.NET

  • Update Concordion.NET core to 2.0, including Markdown support
  • Based off Native implementation (since IKVM no longer supported)
  • Port popular extensions to .NET
  • Create Resharper extension (port IDEA plugin?)
  • Update website and demo projects

Concordion.NET 2.0 Team

Learn more


This presentation -

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