Determining Breadcrumbs

Only one page in each package acts as the "index page" for that package. The index page is used for breadcrumb links.

The index page is located by capitalising the package name and appending ".html". If no index page is found for a package then no breadcrumb for that package is displayed.

For non-index pages within a package, the index page of the package is included as a breadcrumb link in addition to parent package breadcrumb links.


Given the following source files:

Filename Remarks
/spec/admin/user/user.html Not capitalised, so is not an index page despite the same wording.

We expect these breadcrumbs to be generated:

Resource Name Breadcrumb Text
/spec/admin/user/user.html Admin >
/spec/admin/user/AnotherPage.html Admin >
/spec/admin/user/deletingUsers/DeletingUsers.html Admin >
/spec/admin/user/deletingUsers/SecurityIssues.html Admin > Deleting Users >